
renewable technology

Housing associations are increasingly looking to deliver low carbon, energy efficient housing for tenants. As such, the refurbishment, retrofit or new build landscape for housing associations requires continual evaluation.

A combination of government net zero targets and the cost-of-living crisis, fuelled by high energy prices, means the pressure is on for social housing providers to find solutions to the growth of people living in fuel poverty. Yet, in doing so, the sector also needs to remain compliant with the changing legislation demands, which are designed to create a low carbon housing future for all.


The impact of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) has better enabled local authorities and housing associations to access funding for sustainable housing improvements to enhance energy efficiency.

Across a wide range of proven renewable technology solutions, to technical specifications and training support, Marley is working with housing associations to help deliver energy efficient and sustainable social housing, which also reduces energy cost pressures for tenants. Here, Chris Marshall, Area Sales Manager at Marley outlines the benefits of a collaborative, single source strategy approach as the sector embarks on major retrofit and upgrade programmes.


With insight from BRE highlighting over half (54%) of consumers would prefer to buy or rent a home that had a ‘sustainability stamp of approval’, the growth in renewable technologies, is set to continue.

Here, Dan Redfern, Marketing Manager at Marley, looks at the variety of renewable solutions available to help housing associations build compliant and desirable homes.


As the transformative journey to delivering more sustainable homes of the future, including local authority properties, continues to gather pace, those charged with its delivery will be turning to their supply chains for added value support.

To help guide local authorities to navigate these changes, Marley has bought together its industry leading expertise to launch its More than a Roof campaign.

From cross collaboration, access to robust product selection, which includes solar PV, to peace of mind through its extended system guarantee, Marley is on hand to support local authorities at every stage of their project.


To further support the availability of sustainable roofing solutions, Marley has extended its SolarTile® range, with the launch of a new panel.
Larger than Marley’s existing 335Wp system, the new M10 Solar Photovoltaic Panel delivers a peak power of 405Wp to increase total power from a roof area, while allowing for the installation of fewer solar panels to achieve the desired power output.
Building on the ease of installation found in Marley’s SolarTile® range, the new M10 also offers simple roof integration with a clean, low-profile aesthetic making it a sustainable solution for new builds and retrofit projects.


Stuart Nicholson, Roof Systems Director at Marley, believes working with a single source roofing manufacturer, who is on top of ongoing regulations, can mitigate risk in a changing industry landscape. 

Changes to Part L of the Building Regulations have been made so new homes produce 31% lower carbon emissions. It is the precursor to 2025’s Future Homes Standard which will require new homes are specified and constructed to be energy efficient, use low carbon heating solutions, and be zero carbon ready.


Denbighshire Council has become one of the first local authorities in the UK to pilot a new type of solar pitched roof system, with the aim of cutting maintenance costs and helping tenants reduce their energy bills.  The pioneering refurbishment scheme has seen Marley’s full pitched roof system, with integrated solar panels, installed on 110 homes and surveys are already taking place for a second, larger phase.