The Building Envelope

lightweight metal roofing

Since our first article in HA flagging up lightweight metal roofing systems as a viable and attractive option for social housing related roofing projects, we at Metrotile have had a load of requests for more information, many of which highlighted that the enquirer didn’t really understand the concept of lightweight metal roofing, so we’re taking the opportunity to revisit the basic information we shared to re-introduce readers to what exactly it is and what it can do for you and your projects.

For many people mention a ‘metal’ roofing system and they will conjure up a vision of corrugated metal sheets on a shed roof. They are missing out on possibly the most sustainable, eco-friendly and low maintenance roofing systems available in today’s roofing sector.



Many people have now heard of lightweight metal roofing systems, but many have not seen one in action. Because they look so much like a traditional roof, its easy to miss. A recent example of an award winning roof from Metrotile is the replacement roof for a hospital in South Wales.

When Metrotile was asked to provide options for re-roofing part of Glanrhyd Hospital in South Wales, the company’s Barry Jordan suggested Metrotile Woodshake for a number of reasons and John Rhys-Williams, the Project Officer for Capital Planning agreed.


Revised standards and a new Government bill to better protect people living in social housing are putting a fresh onus on the correct product and system specification, including roofs.

Stuart Nicholson, Roof Systems Director from Marley, says working with a single source supplier that understands the implications and can collaborate to ensure regulatory compliance should be a strategic imperative for local authorities.


metal roofing

In these difficult times, it’s important to look at your options when making a decision on which type of roof to use on new build or replacement roofing projects and to consider why it is that many social housing organisations are switching to using lightweight metal roofing systems for a number of their projects.

The list of benefits that come with using steel roofing panels is a long one and its one that needs careful consideration before going with more expensive options. Can these lightweight metal roofing systems be cost effective and easy to fit, as well as looking good?

windows and doors

Aluminium windows and doors are an increasingly popular choice for contemporary buildings, both from a residential and commercial standpoint.  What are the advantages of specifying aluminium windows and doors.
Energy efficiency. Aluminium is light, malleable and easy to work, its doors and windows offer high levels of wind, water and air-tightness for optimum in-house energy efficiency, resulting in warmer, less draughty homes and lower energy bills. Aluminium is also recyclable, which significantly reduces the carbon footprint of any aluminium windows and doors. In fact, recycling aluminium requires only 5% of the initial energy consumed to create it.


lightweight metal roofing

When you’re looking for a roofing solution for social housing – for either new build or replacement roofs – you should take a closer look at the option of lightweight metal roofing from Metrotile. Amongst the benefits is a 40 year weatherproof guarantee that comes with the tiles.

Light metal roofing systems are widely used for a range of roofing requirements from housing association, local authority and private development housing projects, to health centres, leisure centres, fire stations, ambulance stations, refurbishment projects for BISF and Cornish projects, park homes, garden rooms and conservatories and in modular building projects where roofs are assembled off site and transported to site. Its flexibility is the key to its success.

lightweight metal roofing

Even in these enlightened times, for many people in the construction sector mention a ‘metal’ roofing system and they will conjure up a vision of corrugated metal sheets on a shed roof. For those people, they are missing out on possibly the most sustainable, eco-friendly and low maintenance roofing systems available in today’s roofing sector.Even in these enlightened times, for many people in the construction sector mention a ‘metal’ roofing system and they will conjure up a vision of corrugated metal sheets on a shed roof. For those people, they are missing out on possibly the most sustainable, eco-friendly and low maintenance roofing systems available in today’s roofing sector.